So a couple days ago I get a text message from my sister: "Do you still need a roommate?" First of all, I don't know what she means by still since I never said I needed a roommate, but I figured I'd play. TURNS OUT, she and her friend Amanda found a kitten by a dumpster at Amanda's apartment complex. Amanda couldn't keep it unless she wanted to pay a pet deposit somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 *It should be noted here that my sister is very prone to exaggeration.* The only reason Audrey wanted to move in to my house was so she could keep it.
Why this is a bad idea:
1.) I don't really like cats. I mean they're okay as a critter, some of them, but until they can go outside or in the toilet, I won't have one.
2.) I have a dog...a dog who is already somewhat neurotic. One time I saved a kitten from work because it was like 11 days old and noisy, and somehow Yoshimi (my dog) switched into this maternal mode and was actually pretty sweet. Since then she's gotten older and grouchier, and had less contact with other animals. Plus she's kind of a chicken.
3.) My sister works all the time. I'm no dummy, I'm going to get stuck with this stupid cat all the time while she's at work. She'll sleep in with the cat in the bed, presumably, and that will be the extent of their interaction.
Finally, I relented. I told her we could do a trial run, she could decide if the extra time to get to work and back was going to work for her, etc. I also said that the cat was to live in the basement when nobody was home, until we could come up with a better solution, and that I wasn't going to be taking care of it. If she didn't, I'd just set the cat outside (I probably couldn't do that, but hopefully Audrey believes my empty threats...).
She brought her over that night, and so far the cat has mostly been a giant bitch. This is the first she really let me hold her. My dog is terrified of her because she hisses if she can even see her. Audrey has named it Skids for the time being, "because she's skittish".
This could get interesting...
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