This is my first post back at Blogger, so bear with me. I have to say, I like the posting interface on the other site much better, but this will be easier for people to connect with, so I succumbed.
I've mentioned previously we have a
Saturday tradition of going to my favorite bar in town and eating 75-cent tacos and basking in the gloriousness that is their jukebox.
or was.

They recently 'upgraded' to a TouchTunes. Word through the grapevine is their vending company wasn't hip on the extra maintenance it took to keep up a CD jukebox. My initial thought is 'Fuck them, that's their job,' but of course my opinions on the matter don't make any difference. So when we were there, so was this. We were there for a potluck bidding farewell to a long-time bartender of theirs, John. Ch-ch-ch-changes. Damn them.
The good news is the music selection on here seems to be pretty solid and faithful to what once was. Let's hope it only gets better.
Hard to beat the easy of maintenance that comes along w/ a Jukebox that can download your songs for you.
How "dive-y" was this bar with the CD Jukebox, I think even the grotto had a touchtones, right?
Oh Sass, you should have seen the A-MAZING selection of music on there, though! It won't be able to be exactly duplicated through the TouchTones.
Yeah, the Grotto did, but the Grotto also played mainly drunken karaoke type songs that can easily be found through that medium!!
If you ever come back to KC, I will have to take you to Dave's.
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