Project 365 (day one.)

21 September 2010  at 16:23
Project 365 is an iPhone app where you take one picture every day for a year, to sort of chronicle your year. I'm not trendy enough to have an iPhone, but since my phone does have a camera and I like this concept, I've decided to do it completely on my own, without the help of an app. WHOA, I know right?!

In the interest of my project being original, I've decided to call it Project 363 (subject to change) - mostly because I started it Saturday and then forgot about it until today.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll stop rambling and give you the good stuff. Here is my Day 1 picture, from Saturday, September 18th:

This is what happens when you mow hungover.
Don't drink and mow.

The story:

I dragged my ass out of bed an hour later than intended, thanks to a keg of Lagunitas IPA on Friday. My head was pounding, but as you can see my lawn was too far gone to ignore any longer, since the mower broke over a month ago and I just got around to having Andy fix it. I put on my shittiest bra and some big sunglasses, and out I went.

The mower started right up, which I should have known to be a bad omen, as I've never had luck starting it on the first try. I mowed for about an hour when I got to the treacherous hill out front. I know there is a tree stump somewhere in this jungle, but I also know there's about 4.5 passes I can make between the deck and said stump. I'm on the 4.5-th pass, as far as I think I can go, so I throw it in reverse to finish up the rest of the front yard - BAM!

I hit the motherfuggin' stump. Of course. There's about 1.5 mower lengths between the stump and a lamppost. I try to do a 3 5-point turn, and since the ground is wet and the grass is long and also wet, FAIL. I start sliding down the hill toward the rock wall - FFFFFUUUUU -

I stop and turn on the parking brake, knowing that won't make a bit of difference if there's no traction. I hop off and wait. Luckily it stops. I try to pull it back up the hill, and then rock it back and forth to get some momentum up.... no luck. Instead I'm sliding down the hill too. Knowing I have no choice but to get the mower down via the wall, I start looking for things I can fashion into ramps. Aha! A door, and a folding table!

I put each item under a front tire, and though one is about a foot higher than the other, I know I can make it work. I walk up them, they hold me, so I try to push the mower onto them. I get it about 6 inches and it doesn't budge anymore. This is when I take the picture. The mower deck is stuck on the top of the door.

So that's the story of my Day One picture!

(In case you were wondering, I called Dad. He came and helped me, and it took us literally 3 minutes to get it down. He unstuck the deck and it came rolling down, with me not-so-gracefully trying to stop it/being dragged along beside it. )

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