Porno for Pyros

13 November 2010  at 06:12
Okay, this post has nothing to do with porno, just pyro. What DOES that mean, anyway? Porno for Pyros - I'm imagining naked chicks with their hair on fire or something...maybe it's that just a picture of fire gets their motors revved up? I always take pictures of Andy (clothed) doing housework and call it Lady Porn...It doesn't have to be nude to be sexy...although nudity would definitely not hurt the level of sexy.


Ya know, come to think of it, their one radio hit, "Pets", is pretty weird too. Although the older and more jaded I become, the more I completely agree with it. If you didn't know, the song is about how humanity is going to destroy itself, and then we'll make great pets for aliens or whatever race takes us over. Very Fantastic Planet.

(Apparently, he named the band after he saw a fireworks ad in a porno mag. Thanks, Wikipedia. Sometimes I wonder what I'd do without you. Another interesting tidbit - the directors of Little Miss Sunshine directed the "Pets" video.)

Okay, I got a bit sidetracked there. The whole time I watched that video I thought to myself, "Damn, I miss the 90's." Most specifically 90's alternative music - it will always hold a very special place in my heart.

After all that linky goodness, I'll get back to the original post I intended...Okay actually one more related sidenote - they are in the process of creating a Fantastic Planet remake, and I can't decide at all how I feel about it - do any of you have feelings either way??


the Saturday of Deer Camp was much like the Friday, and so I present another fire picture:

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