All Hallow's Eve

31 October 2010  at 09:41
On Halloween, I spent most of the day cleaning my house. After Andy got off of work, we donned our costumes one last time to take his nieces out trick-or-treating.

My knight in shining armor!

It was fucking cold. I wore pants and boots under my costume and still after about 5 minutes of being outside my entire body was numb. We walked them up and down essentially 2.5 blocks before his older niece all of a sudden had a serious attitude.

She'd been whining the whole time we were out - her costume was too long, her bag was heavy & she didn't want to carry it, etc. but I guess about then she reached her breaking point. She refused to go to any other houses, and stomped along about a half block ahead of us. We went back to their house intending to drop her off & take her sister out some more but she decided she was done too.

Wimps. Like I told Andy, "Not to be one of those 'I walked uphill both ways to school' types, but I remember WAY colder Halloweens than this that I was out in until Mom made me go home!" Seriously. So we got home fairly early and I was hoping to watch a scary movie or something but Andy was asleep within a half hour or so.


1 comment:

Alicia said...

Seriously children are pathetic now-a-days! I remember being a fairy one Halloween (don't laugh at me I was young!) and it was snowing. I refused to wear my coat over my fairy costume so I wore a sweatshirt under it and froze. We were out till we hit up every last house and I carried my giant pillow case of candy (yeah who used buckets past the age of like 5?) from house to house. Oh and we WALKED! These kids in our neighborhood, pull up in the van and pile out. Then get BACK IN to drive to the next house...come on people...we are a cul-de-sac...if your child can't walk it MAYBE they don't need the candy!

I will end with a positive trick-or-treat-er note. We had the cutest trick-or-treat-er EVER this year. He was 5, his name was "count jason". He was small for his age and his parents (who appeared to ALSO rock, in their costumes from the street and be about Tim and I's age) sent this little guy up to get candy. He was a vampire and his mother had painted his face and he was an AMAZING vampire. It was the best costume I saw all night. Not to mention he was a cute kid and very polite but chatty! He wanted to pet Mustang and Sally more than he was concerned with the candy and then I told him to take a few handfuls and he took 1 piece. I then proceeded to put two handfuls in his pillow case (yeah this kid knew what was up) and he stared up at me and said "thank you SO much. Have a great halloween!" and ran back to his parents. Cutest kid EVER. Apparently a good homemade costume and manors get you tons of candy at my house.

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